Spearfish, SD Riverfront Broadcasting LLC Employment Application Riverfront Broadcasting LLC is an equal opportunity employer. In compliance with federal, state, and local equal employment opportunity laws, qualified applicants are considered for all positions with Riverfront Broadcasting LLC without regard to race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, marital or veteran status. Personal Information: Last Name: First Name: Middle Initial: Street Address: Apt/Box Number: City: State: Zip Code: Day Phone Number: Evening Phone Number: Email Address: Position: Position(s) Applied For: Wage / Salary Desired: Desired Hours: Desired Days: Full Time / Part Time / Seasonal: If you are applying for a position which requires driving on company business, do you have a valid driver's license? YesNo Driver's License Number: State Issued: Have you Applied for employment with us previously? YesNo If so, when? Referral Source How were you referred to this position? NewspaperRadio/TVEmployeeRelative/FriendEmployment or Other AgencyWebsiteSchoolOther Name of referral: Employment Information Have you worked for Riverfront Broadcasting LLC in the past? YesNo If yes, give last date worked: Position: Supervisor's Name: Reason for leaving: Are you eligible to work in the United States? (Proof required upon employment) YesNo Are you 16 years of age or older? YesNo If no, can you furnish a work permit? YesNo Have you been convicted of a crime (misdemeanor or felony) other than a minor traffic violation? (A conviction includes a plea, verdict, or finding of guilt regardless of whether sentence is imposed by the court. YesNo If yes, please explain: Where: When: Charge: Sentence: Education High School Name: High School Address: Graduated? YesNo Major Courses or Degree Received: College or University Name: College or University Address: Graduated? YesNo Major Courses or Degree Received: Other Education Name: Other Education Address: Garduated? YesNo Major Courses or Degree Received: Employment Experience (Please list your most recent job first) Employer: Telephone: Address: City: State: Job Title: Supervisor: Dates worked: Salary: Duties / Responsibilities: Reason for leaving: May we contact? YesNo Employer: Telephone: Address: City: State: Job Title: Supervisor: Dates worked: Salary: Duties / Responsibilities: Reason for leaving: May we contact? YesNo Employer: Telephone: Address: City: State: Job Title: Supervisor: Dates worked: Salary: Duties / Responsibilities: Reason for leaving: May we contact? YesNo Special Qualifications Type (WPM): Software Proficiency: Other (including computer languages): List professional certificates or licenses you currently hold, or have held in the past. What foreign languages do you fluently speak: write: read: Statement of Understanding I certify that all information provided in this employment application is true and complete. I understand that any false information, misrepresentation, or omission in this application or during the interview process may disqualify me from further consideration for employment and may result in my dismissal if discovered at any later date. I authorize Riverfront Broadcasting LLC to make a thorough investigation into my past employment, education, criminal background, driving history, and any other job related activities. I release from liability all persons, companies, corporations, educational institutions, law enforcement agencies, and federal, state and local governments supplying such information; and indemnify Riverfront Broadcasting LLC against any liability which might result from making such an investigation. I understand that this application is not a contract of employment. I also understand that if hired, regardless of any oral representations to the contrary, the employment relationship between myself and the company is at-will, and that I or Riverfront Broadcasting LLC can terminate this employment relationship at any time, with or without notice, for any or no reason, without recourse by either or us. Any changes in this employment relationship must be made in writing. I understand the above terms and agree by submitting this application to Riverfront Broadcasting LLC. Δ